It is located in one of the beautiful cities of China. Green coverage is unique. Fruits filled trees and flower laden sidewalks will give one a pleasant and cool mind. Shihezi University is listed with MoE China ,Medical Council of India and WHO.
Shihezi University is Located in Shihezi city famed as “the Bright Pearl in Gobi Desert”, north of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. Shihezi University has 61-year history and developed into a new-style modernized comprehensive university in the foremost western part of China and established a multi- level educational system: full-time undergraduate education, postgraduate education, high professional education, international student education. Shihezi University was co-constructed by the central government and XPCC in West China.
The University with 20 colleges offers ten fields of study: Agriculture, Medicine, Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, Management, Humanities, etc. and 4 Doctoral programs, 52 Master's programs, 66 Bachelor's programs, and Peking University & Tianjin University centers for Doctoral programs. It also has 3 key laboratories supported and constructed by the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Group (XPCG), and has 24 research centers. The University has more than 2500 staff, including over 1,500 full-time teachers. The students of the University come from 31 provinces and regions and the student population is currently about 30 thousand.
Equipped with modern teaching and research facilities, the University covers more than 1,780, 000 square meters; the area of its laboratories is more than 165,000 square meters and its library has a collection of more than 2,630,000 Chinese and foreign books and periodicals.
The university has the great achievements that reflect the following basic and applied scientific research aspects: Highly-Effective Agriculture in Desert Oasis Area, Animal Heredity Improvement and Disease Control, Prevention and Cure for Xinjiang Endemic and Ethnic Disease, Xinjiang special plant resource research and development, and Research on the Economy and Culture of the Central Asia. Especially technologies of water-saving Irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions and Sheep Breeding have reached international leading levels.
University has begun to recruit overseas students from 2002. More than 400 overseas students from Russia, Korea, Pakistan , Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, India, Srilanka, Nepal and many other countries have come to study at Shihezi University. Shihezi University is making her best to fulfill the goal of being more comprehensive, academic, open and international. With beautified surroundings, School of Medicine has building area of 400,000 square meters and total area of 1,000,000 square meters, with library, museum, labs and classroom buildings. All the buildings are connected with Internet and with modern teaching facilities for data processing and exchange at home and aboard.
In Morphology and functions labs, with the help of stimulating models, a direct vivid and more convenient methods offered to students for better results. Chinese and English are used as working languages to both Chinese and Foreign students. English is used as Teaching Language for Medical majors among Foreign students and Chinese is used for a firm foundation for them to communicate with Chinese students, to learn something about China and to continue an advanced course in the future.
This School accepted foreign students as clinical majors in 2002. 161 students had already graduated from the school and are working in their homeland. They are mainly Pakistanis, Indians, Nepalis with a few from America and Saudi Arabia. Considering their life habits and religious believes, they are living in their own well-decorated dormitories, with all the facilities available. At present, Shihezi University School of Medicine has Clinical Medicine, Dentistry, Medical Imaging, Medical laboratory, Preventive Medicine majors and Nursing major for under-graduates. It offers 14 academic areas for seekers of master's degree, 1 key laboratory constructed by the Ministry of Education and the XPCG. In 2009 there are 2316 undergraduates, 583 graduates, 161 International students in this school , they came from 29 provinces and autonomous regions over this country and in the world.
Shihezi University School of Medicine has 327 full time teachers and researchers, 55 professors and 93 associate professors among them. It has 30 affiliated Hospitals or clinical practice hospitals, with 10 of them bearing the Honored Title of "A-Degree in Level-Three Hospitals" and the First Affiliated Hospital bears both honored titles of " A-Degree in Level-Three Hospitals “ and " The 100 Best Hospitals in P.R.China". Shihezi University is one of the designated Chinese institutions of higher education, authorized by China Scholarship Council and the Ministry of Education of China to award excellent international students' scholarship (1400 yuan/per month ) under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Shihezi University has also different kind of scholarship programs with substantial amounts for international students for comprehensive performance such as academic merit, extracurricular activities.
It has asked the expertise of foreign teachers to help them with establishment of curriculum and designing of the course. The course offered here is at par with MCI and strict discipline is maintained in examination.
Shihezi University is a government owned, listed university with Ministry of Education of China and registered with WHO. It offers MBBS program not only at par with Indian curriculum but with international standards. Students of Shihezi are working all over the world and have no problem in passing any examination of any cadre.
All the fee is paid in Chinese Yuan RMB in the University with the admission office along with the Managerial Charges. Dollars are not accepted and bringing dollars with you will be dealt upon in the market rate of that date.
As everybody knows, Chinese cuisine is the best and known for its versatility around the world. There is also another good news that Shihezi is Muslim inhabited area. Due to the presence of Muslims, there is abundant of halal restaurants and food available throughout the city. In Shihezi even nan (bread) is available.. Inside the campus, messes are run for students with very good food and very cheap prices. Separate cafeterias are available for Muslims and otherwise. It is safe to say that Shihezi may be regarded as the only city in whole China where food problems are not faced by the foreigners.
Weather and climate
Shihezi is located in Northern areas of China and share almost same climatic conditions with the rest of North China with the difference of humidity. Shihezi is situated in Gobi desert, so it is regarded as highly dry and less humid climate.
March - Winter is at its end. Although temperature still lies below zero, the snow starts to melt. Sun starts to shine more brightly and one can easily walk around. Same cloths as for winter can be worn while outside. Heating systems are working but heating is a bit reduced.
April - Spring starts and last of the snow melts down. It snows sometimes even in April, but the temperature seldom goes down below zero. Heavy winter clothing can be taken off, especially the woolen under garments. Jackets can be replaced with sweaters and light coats. Heating systems go off.
May - Summer comes abruptly. Temperature raises so much that half sleeves and light clothing is a must. If someone comes in summer season to Shihezi, one will never believe that this city was so cold in winter and it snowed. Even the nights are warmer.
June-Aug - The hottest months ever. Temperature may rise as high as 38 C in the hottest days of August. Fans are enough. No need of AC. Light cloths just like India will be suffice.
September - Last month of summer. Nights start to become colder. Lot of temperature difference between day and night. Quilts start to appear on the beds. Sometimes one may wear a sweater when going out in the night.
October - Autumn starts. Leaves start to fall. Even the day becomes cooler and one has to wear warm clothing, but it is not yet the time for under garments. In the last days of October, heating system starts at low pace. Nights are very cold, but not inside.
November - Winter starts at its full brinks. It starts to snow at the end of this month. Heating system is raised to higher level. One has to start wearing woolen under garments along with a sweater, and a heavy jacket when going outside. Please remember, good care must be taken to buy very good quality winter cloths, if you can afford them. Woolen under garments and an outer jacket is must.
December - February - Winter is at its highest time. Temperature may fall as low as minus 30 sometimes. It snows all the time, which changes into ice. Heating system is at highest level and inside temperature is kept plus 25 at all times. This is the time when Chinese people celebrate their new year
Culture and People
People of China are amazingly friendly and trustworthy. One will not find such good people in any part of the world. When it comes to foreigners, even the government is very serious about their security and treat them as their valuable guests. They only want the foreigners to abide by their laws and live peacefully and with clear intentions. Chinese people are very law abider citizens. They take great care in teaching the children about the laws and how not to break them. Same is expected by the foreigners. Also remember that Chinese people are strictly punctual and take it very seriously. They know how to treat their guests, and how to be loved and give love. They give top priority to their children and will ask from you the same. Children everywhere will be given first chance to live happily, and this is such a serious thing inside their culture that anyone disturbing this thought of theirs may have bad consequences. Although, Christmas, New Year, and other international days and events are celebrated enthusiastically with same spirits, but Chinese people take great concern in their own Chinese New Year. It is celebrated somewhere in January or February every year. Normally 7-15 days are off work. Sometimes bigger markets are closed and banks are on holidays. One will enjoy Chinese new year and will be astonished by the way it is celebrated.Please remember, no student is allowed to work in China. Doing this may lead to breaking of the law and needless to say it again that Chinese people are very strict about their laws. It will create serious difficulties for students who just take these things lightly.
What to expect after admission?
If you have made your mind for admission, what you have to do is to contact the official representative or any of the liaison offices in India for proper guidance. Please call our head office in Trivandrum and provide them with all the required documents. Official representative is authorized to consider provisional admission on the spot by the university, after scrutinizing your documents. After admission is made, your documents will be sent to China for visa processing. Meanwhile, you have to prepare all the documents for the visa including the passport. For visiting the embassy, you must have a medical certificate, a passport and visa JW-202 from China along with university's admission letter. With all these documents, your visa will be stamped with no questions asked. After that, one just has to buy a one way ticket to Guangzhou & Urumqi and get oneself prepare for a new journey of life. Good luck!
When you have applied to the official representative of the university, by downloading and filling the appropriate form along with the required documents, you have to wait till the consultant confirms your admission with the university. This may take 5-7 days. Please check with the consultant about the documents you need to prepare for the visa. When admission is granted by the university, you will have to prepare the documents for the visa plus the documents sent to you by the university. For the documents by the university, one has to wait till the last date of application. After the last date, whole list will be sent to the university for further processing. It may take 20-30 working days, before the whole process will finish and visas are sent. University will send the following documents to the applicant:
1. JW-202 Visa Application Form
2. Admission Letter
When the visa is issued, you are ready to go. Before your passport is being collected from the embassy, it is a must to buy a one way ticket to the destination beforehand.
Though it is an exciting experience of joining a new university in a foreign country, it is worth knowing certain things beforehand, e.g. what cloths to carry, hostel rooms, food availability, something about the city and weather, people and their traditions etc. Care is taken to provide as much information as possible, but still questions can arise into the minds of the students and their parents. We once again encourage you not to hesitate to ask through any means deem fit.
What to carry to China?
As far cloths are concerned, all types of garments are available in good prices and quality. Although, traditional Indian dress, especially for the girls will be a problem, so if you are of traditional type, take care to get ample amount of cloths both for summers and winters. Somewhere on this site, is given a short description of expected weather in Shihezi. When talking of cloths, one should not burden oneself with huge quantity, though. Please remember your main baggage will include the books, so leave more room for those, because one student can only carry up to maximum of 30 Kg per ticket. You will be charged extra money for every extra kilogram weight you are carrying.
Hostel rooms
Please remember that hostel rooms availability is dependent upon merit and one has to choose his or her roommate before hand. Once allotted, it will be very difficult to change the room and hence the roommate before the end of the first year. Boys and girls will be living in the same building but separate floors with separate entrances. No boys are allowed to take girls entrances and visit their dormitories and vice versa. University authorities take the matter of girls safety very seriously. Failure to comply with the rules of the hostel will lead to deportation and expulsion. Every room is equipped for 2 students with attached bath. Hot water is available along with central heating system in winters. There are 2 beds with bedding, pillow, quilt, 2 study tables with chairs, wardrobe etc. Rooms are spacious and beautiful. AC is not supplied, but if any student wants to install one, he or she then has to pay for extra electricity units, it will be utilizing. On every floor of the hostel, there is a kitchen where cooking can be done with the use of electricity card. Every student can buy a electricity card and use the kitchen after plugging in his or her card. He or she should take away the card after finishing. There is an automatic washing machine on every floor. No need to use any card and it is totally free of cost.